Rough Abstract Star


Summer Leadership Workshop

UT TYler

A meaningful experience that empowers student leaders and advisors to lead effectively in schools and communities.

Thank you for making the decision to attend summer leadership workshop at UT Tyler! This experience will allow you to improve your individual leadership skills and give you the confidence to go back to your home council and implement what you have learned. Your time will be fun and rewarding, as well as filled with work.

Expect to spend part of each day outside your normal comfort zone. Prepare to be challenged. The staff and your peers will expect you to read, study, think, create, and participate fully in all activities. You will be discussing and interacting with others as you are given the opportunity to meet new friends from across the state. Your willingness to listen to others, share ideas, think, and solve problems creatively will allow you to develop your leadership potential.

At the conclusion of this workshop I am confident that you will be well prepared and confident returning to your school with skills necessary to accept the challenges and overcome any obstacles you will encounter in the coming year, but also anxious to return to your school and make it a better place for learning and growing.

The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler

High School: JULY 13 - 17 (SAT-Wed) Cost: $395

Director: Lianna Gantz | Consultant: LAURIE ZUEHLKE

The following forms must be provided to the workshop director:

  • Individual registration form (student and advisor)
  • Participant agreement form (student and advisor)
  • Medical form (students)
  • Criminal disclosure form (advisors).

The ADVISOR should distribute the forms, make sure they are completed properly, including all required signatures, and bring them to the workshop to turn in at check-in.

Do NOT send the registration forms to the TASC office!


Onsite Check-in

When you arrive at the University, you will be given your name badge, room assignment, and an expanded schedule/workshop notebook. Name badges and wristbands must be worn at all times.


Directions/Campus Map

This website will provide you with an campus map of the university.


Two payment options are available:

  • Pay in full
  • $100 deposit/person ONE MONTH prior to the workshop
  • Cancellations permitted no later than ONE MONTH prior to the workshop
  • NO cancellations after 1 month deadline
  • NO refunds for no-shows, regardless of situation


  • Students and adults are roomed with someone from a different school, because part of the workshop experience is getting to know others.
  • During the workshop, you will be expected to keep your room in order. A charge of $58 will be made for lost room keys.
  • Valuables (cameras, jewelry, etc.) should not be left in your room or in general session areas.
  • Neither the University nor TASC can be responsible for loss of any article.
  • Damage to campus property must be reported at once – you will be charged for damage to the University property.

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TASC Dress Code

  • Our dress code is set at a higher standard than school dress codes because we represent our association. Those attending TASC events must adhere to the following regulations:
  • All garments should meet the following standards:
  • Be opaque (not see through);
  • Have sleeves (Garments with no sleeves may have a cover up added up to bring the garment into dress code.)
    • Dress for banquet ONLY may be “sleeveless” but MUST have a minimum 1 inch strap
  • Have a front and back;
  • Fit at or cover the waistline;
  • Not show cleavage or chest;
  • Be no shorter than mid-thigh;
  • Have no rips or holes above mid-thigh through which skin shows; and
  • Not display or refer directly or indirectly to alcohol or alcoholic products, drugs or drug paraphernalia, tobacco or tobacco products, profanity, race, politics, violence, offensive language, gender, or sexuality;
  • Shorts
    • Are NOT permitted at TASC events held during the school year, but
    • ARE permitted at summer programs and must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
  • Head coverings, except for medical or religious purposes, are not to be worn when inside a building.
  • Bring a pair of tennis shoes, because some activities will require them.

TASC Dress Code

Magic Notes

Everyone will decorate a small bag that will be placed in the general meeting area for the purpose of exchanging notes among participants. For this you may wish to bring note pads, stationary, markers, small candy etc.

What to Bring

Delegates should bring twin sheets, towels, washcloths, blanket, pillow, and personal toiletries. On the last night there will be an achievement program. Students may dress nicer than other workshop activities, but it's not required. Students are encouraged to bring items for Magic Note bags.


Sessions may include the production of various multimedia presentations, so students and advisors are encouraged to bring computers, flash drives, and other similar items. TASC is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Electronic Devices

Neither TASC nor the University will be responsible for the loss of these items. Students and advisors who carry cell phones should not make nor accept calls during workshop activities. Students may want to bring a laptop, but TASC will not be responsible for any damage or loss.

Controlled Substances Policy

The use or possession of alcohol, tobacco or other illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Any student found in the possession or under the influence of these substances will be sent home from the workshop without delay at the expense of the student, his/her parents, or the student’s school. School official/law enforcement will be contacted.

IMPORTANT: A student sent home from a TASC event because of disruption of the workshop, a violation of TASC policies, or a concern for the safety of that student and/or others will not be allowed to attend another TASC state event for a calendar year.

Special Events, Talent Show, Olympics, etc.

All delegates are requested to bring a pair of tennis shoes for any athletic-type event (Olympics, etc.). Achievement Night will be in the auditorium the last night of the workshop. There will also be talent incorporated into Achievement Night, so you might want to bring a special outfit, musical instrument, etc.

Talent Show

A talent show will be incorporated into the program on the last night of the workshop. You will be able to audition for talent, so bring any instruments, music, costumes, etc. to showcase your talent. TALENT SHOW AUDITION TIMES WILL BE LISTED ON THE FULL SCHEDULE.

Workshop Safety

Delegates are expected to respect the rights and safety of others. Weapons of any type are strictly prohibited at TASC functions. Any person found in the possession of an item used as weapon or exhibiting irresponsible behavior that endangers the health, safety, or welfare of him/herself or others will be sent home from the workshop without delay at the expense of the student, his/her parents or the student’s school.

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Advisor Sessions

Advisor sessions will be held at different times during the workshop. Please refer to the agenda given at registration for times of the sessions. Additional sessions may be added in the afternoons based on interest.

These sessions will be led by an experienced advisor who will be able to give information on project ideas, state report forms, and many other topics dealing with the mechanics of student council. All advisors are encouraged to attend, as they will be beneficial whether you are new or experienced.

Additional Information

There will be a mid-workshop break on Tuesday at 3:00pm. Participants should return by 10:30 pm.

Achievement Night: There will be a banquet on the last night of the workshop that will require nice clothing. Young men should wear shirt, tie, and slacks. Young ladies should wear nice slacks or dresses. No strapless dresses are to be worn without a jacket or cardigan. Tennis shoes or flip flops are NOT acceptable for this occasion. Please be sure both you and the students review the TASC Dress Code.

Final Day: The last general session will finish around 11:00am on the last day. Contact the director if you have additional questions.

DIRECTOR: Lianna Gantz | email: | cell: 817.320.1630

Workshop Schedule for Day 1

11:00 - 1:00pm

12:30 - 2:30pm








Registration (lunch on your own)

Staff Meeting (SGFs & JCs)

General Session

Family Meeting


Family Meeting

General Session/Olympics

Dorm Meetings

Curfew (Staff & JC Meeting)